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4C Utility Programs

There are several 4C standalone utility programs that manipulate one or more 4C data files. Most of these utilities work by reading 1 file sequentially and either listing data, or using the data read to update the same or another file. All files read sequentially in this way have common options used to indicate where to start reading in the file and where to stop reading. These utilities are mostly helpful in debugging and testing, but can also be used in the end user application under some circumstances.

The 4C utility programs are:

All of the 4C utilities, except xled, have the same usage style. That is:

xlutil <option> [<optarg>] ...

An option is a '-' followed by a single character. Some options also need a single argument. Normally, the lower case options take exactly one argument, and the upper case options take 0 arguments. Except where indicated, options can be specified in any order, but option arguments must immediately follow the option. For some programs, some of the options can be repeated. The order of repeated options is always important.

Some examples will clarify the use of options and option arguments.

xlcr -f cust_mstr -n /tmp/cm.xl

This cmd creates 1 4C data file, cust_mstr. It will find the file definition in the normal XLPROG search path and it will create the file as /tmp/cm.xl.

xlfldoc -f cust_mstr -f call_hdr

This cmd prints the file definition for the 2 4C files, cust_mstr and call_hdr. It will find the file definitions in the normal XLPROG search path.

xlflrpt -f cust_mstr -t " " -v cm_name \
     -w 30 -v cm_addr[0] -N -K

This cmd lists the primary key followed by cm_name and cm_addr[0] from the cust_mstr file. The fields are printed on the same line and the cm_name field is padded to 30 characters. All rcds in the cust_mstr file are listed. The file definition will be found in the normal XLPROG search path and the cust_mstr file will be found in the normal XLDATA search path. The fields will be separated by a single blank.

There are options that are similar in all of the 4C utility programs. Except where indicated otherwise the following options have the same meaning in all 4C utility programs.

The 4C utility programs exit with a 0 code if there were no errors, and with a non zero code if there were any errors. The most likely cause of error is failure to open a file. In case of error, an appropriate message will be printed.

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